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21 Days Birding Uganda and Gorilla Trekking Safari

Our first birding site in Uganda will be the Mabamba wetland on the fringes of Lake Victoria as we search for the Shoebill. Our first national park to visit will be Murchison Falls National Park which was voted No. 9 best birding spot in Africa, home to over 450 bird species and 76 mammal species. Next will be to Budongo forest which protects the largest natural forest area in East Africa with over 350 bird Species and home to several primates including Chimpanzees. Semuliki National Park protects an eastern extension of the vast Ituri Forest of Democratic Republic of Congo and is one of the richest areas for forest birds in Africa.

This Uganda birding tour will continue to Kibale National Park, a large block of rain forest that offers great birding and home to 13 primate species with Chimpanzees as the highlight. We will then proceed to Queen Elizabeth national park known for its varied biodiversity and over 600 bird species. Our highlight will be the Bwindi impenetrable forest which has a record of 23 of Uganda’s 24 Albertine Rift endemics and an opportunity to do a gorilla trek. The birding safari will end with Mgahinga National Park which is the smallest national Park in Uganda hosting over 180 bird species including the Albertine Rift Endemics.


Key Bird Species

Shoebill, Papyrus gonolek, Malachite Sunbird, Purple-breasted sunbird, Regal sunbird, Scarlet-tufted Sunbird, Rwenzori Turcaco, Black billed turaco, White crested turaco, Archer’s Robin Chat, Cape Robin, White-starred Robin, Puvels Illadopsis, Chestnut-capped Flycatcher, African Green Broadbill, Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Batis, Collared Apalis, Dusky Crimsonwing, Yellow-billed Barbet, Bar-tailed Trogon, Lagden’s Bush-Shrike, Waller’s Starling, Dwarf Honey-Guide, Oriole Finch, Doherty’s Bush-Shrike, Red-headed Malimbe, Grey-headed Sparrow, Dusky Twinspot, Green-bakced Twinspot, Think-billed and Streaky Seedeaters, Rwenzori Nightjar, Cassin’s Hawk Eagle, Toro-Olive Greenbul, Black Bee-eaters, white faced Go-away birds, African Finfoot

Bird Habitats

Forest, Acacia Savanna, grassland, agricultural lands, Riverine Forest, Moist woodland, Borassus Palm Savannah, Papyrus Swamps, Lakes and rivers

Optional Activities

  • Golden Monkey trekking
  • Chimpanzee trekking
  • Gorilla Trekking

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Uganda for the Ultimate Birding Safari

On arrival at Entebbe international airport you will be received by a representative of Kagera Safaris to start your Uganda birding safari and there after transfer to your hotel in Entebbe. Depending on your time of arrival, you have an opportunity to bird Botanical gardens in case you have a morning flight. Otherwise you check into your hotel and prepare to start your  birding tomorrow.

Journey time –  20 minutes
Meal plan – Dinner


  • Upmarket – Hotel No 5
  • Mid-range – Nkima Lodge
  • Budget – African Roots Guesthouse

Day 2: Birding in Mabamba Wetland Swamp & Transfer to Masindi

After an early breakfast we drive to Mabamba Swamp Wetland in Kasanje which is located on the fringes of Lake Victoria – 2nd biggest fresh water body in the world. The drive can take about an hour or more depending on the birding engagement en route which leads to several stopovers.

In Mabamba swamp, you will take a motorised canoe with the area site guide in search of the incredible Shoebill which is often seen standing in the mashes waiting to hunt or flying in the air above the papyrus plants.

There are also other variety of water birds like; African Jacana, White-winged Terns, African Purple Swamphen, Purple Heron, Blue-breasted Bee-eater, Pied Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher, Winding Cisticola, Red-billed Fire-finch, White-faced whistling duck, Long-toed Lapwing, African Pied Wagtail, Saddle billed Stork, Cape wagtail, Fan-tailed Widowbird, Yellow-billed Duck Long-toed plover, African Fish Eagle and African Marsh Harrier, Swamp Flycatcher etc

Journey time –  1 hour and 4 hours to Masindi
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Mid-range – Masindi Hotel
  • Budget – New Court Hotel

Day 3: Birding the Royal Mile in Budongo forest

Today we continue birding safari in the rich Budongo forest. Part of the forest is located in Murchison falls national park at Kaniyo Pabidi and the other part is located outside of the national park as a forest reserve known as Budongo forest. This forest is home to various primates including Chimpanzees and several tree species.

After an early breakfast and with packed lunch, we will leave for the royal mile – a stretch of 1 mile that the King of Bunyoro enjoyed to spend time. This is a full day’s birding along the forest road and ending at the forest Bridge depending on the activity of the bird species.

Together with the site guide and your bird guide, you will look out for some of the exotic bird species; Ituri Batis, Nahan’s francolin, Grey and Yellow longbills, Yellow-footed Flycatcher, Chocolate backed Kingfisher, Black-capped Apalis, Brown twin spot, White spotted fluff tail, Jameson’s wattle eye, White breasted negro finch, Grey-headed Olive-back, Grey headed sunbird, Red headed bluebill, Green sunbird, Little green sunbird and the list goes on

B, L & D

Day 4: Birding Tour to Murchison Falls National Park

After an early breakfast at your hotel, your bird guide will pick you and you start your birding journey to Uganda’s largest and oldest National Park – Murchison falls national park with some stops in key areas along the way. You will drive to the Top of the waterfalls to have a view of the falls from the top and continue birding to your lodge.

Journey time –  2 hours
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Bakers Lodge
  • Mid-range – Pakuba Safari Lodge
  • Budget – Fort Murchison (Tent)

Day 5: Birding Murchison falls national park

We have an early morning breakfast and then go birding first while on the boat and later while in the car on a game drive.

Spend the morning birding on the boat towards the Delta.  Some of the birds we aim for in this area include; the Shoebill, Great White and Pink-backed Pelicans, African Water Rail, Allen’s Gallinule, Black Crake, African Crake, Grey-crowned Crane, Southern Pochard, The Egyptian, African Pygmy, and the Spur-winged Goose, Saddle-billed stork, Open-billed stork, Yellow-billed stor kand Marabou stork. More birds include;  the Little and Dwarf Bitterns, Night Heron, Black Heron, Goliath Heron, Purple Heron, Green Backed Heron, Little Grebe, Common Squacco Heron, Great White Egret, Great and Long-tailed Cormorants, African and Eurasian Spoonbills, the Lesser Flamingo, Lesser Jacana, African Finfoot, Painted Snipe, Wattled Plover.

After the experience on the boat, you transfer to the car and bird in the Savannah in search forSecretary Bird, Northern Carmine and Red-throated Bee-eaters, Giant, Pied, Stripped, Chestnut-bellied, Blue-breasted, Woodland and the African Pygmy Kingfishers, African Rock Martin; Lesser Stripped, Ethiopian, Angola, Red-rumped and Rufous-chested Swallow, Nightingale, Rock Thrush, Pied Wheatear, Whinchat, White-fronted Black Chat, Sooty Chat. Common Bulbul, Cameroon Sombre and Yellow-throated Greenbul, the Black, White-breasted, and Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes, the Black and Penduline Tits,  Black-lored, and Brown Babblers, Nubian Woodpecker, Cardinal Woodpecker, Brown-backed Woodpecker, Lesser Honeyguide, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, and many more.

B, L & D

Day 6: Birding the Escarpment and transfer to Kibale forest National Park

Today morning after breakfast, we transfer to Kibale forest with a stopover birding the Butiaba Escarpment for some birds of interest. Look out for; Beautiful sunbird, Black-billed Barbet, Grey-winged Pythilia, Buff-bellied Warbler, Northern Crombec, Cinnamon-breasted Warbler, Whin chat, Flappet Lark, Little weaver, Tawny-flanked Prinia, Lesser blue-eared Starling, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow Weaver, Marsh Tchagra, Copper Sunbird, Green-backed Eremomela, Long crested eagle, Foxy Cisticola, etc. 

Kibale forest is home to 13 primate species with the highlight being the chimpanzees which are easily seen while on chimp trekking.

Journey time –  6 hours
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Papaya Lake Lodge
  • Mid-range – Turaco TreeTops
  • Budget – Chimpanzee Guesthouse

Day 7: Kibale forest birding for Green breasted Pitta

We will have an early morning breakfast and leave the lodge with our packed lunch so that we have maximum time in the forest. Our morning focus while birding will be to search for the elusive Green breasted pitta. This a sought after bird can also be rather difficult to sight in the forest but with guidance of the site guide and rangers we hope to increase our chances of sighting the Green breasted Pitta.

In the meantime as we search for the Green breasted Pitta we shall continue birding and equally search for many other bird species which include Western bronze-napped Pigeon, Great blue Turaco, Yellow-throated Nicator, White-headed Wood hoopoe, Red Headed malimbe, Yellow-spotted barbet, Dusky-blue Flycatcher, Grey-winged Robin, Blue shouldered Robin Chat, Yellow-spotted Barbet, White-naped Pigeon, Green-breasted Pitta, Red-chested Flufftail, African Pitta, Joyful Greenbul, Cabanis Greenbul, Grey-throated Flycatcher, Masked Apalis, Nahan’s Francolin, Tiny Sunbird, White-collared Oliveback and many more.

B, L & D

Day 8:  Chimpanzee trekking and birding Bigodi swamp

This morning we have an opportunity to trek the chimpanzees deep in Kibale forest for an experience of a life time. Your driver guide will transfer you to the briefing point. After briefing, you will divided in groups and given a ranger guide to guide you in the forest. In addition you will sight several butterflies, plants and many other primates.

In the afternoon, we bird Bigodi wetland for species we might have missed in the forest. This is a community initiative conserving the buffer zone to the forest, proceeds go to different community programs.

Day 9: Birding to Semuliki national park

Today after breakfast we bird our way to Semuliki national park for an experience searching for central African species found only here in East Africa. We shall have several stopovers birding nearby forest patches and swampy areas for different bird species.

Journey time –  3 hour
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Mid-range – Mountains of the Moon
  • Budget – Rwenzori View Guesthouse

Day 10: Birding Kirumia trail in Semuliki national park

We shall spend the day birding in Semuliki forest for central African species of Congo’s Ituri forest. Semuliki forest is a continuation of Congo’s ituri forest. You have an opportunity of visiting both the ‘female’ and ‘male’ hot springs found within the park.

Some of the species we will look out for include the; Congo Serpent Eagle, Grey-throated Rail, Nkulengu Rail, Long-tailed Hawk, Spot-breasted Ibis, Yellow-throated Nicator, Northern Red-chested Owlet, Western Bronze-naped Pigeon, Black-collared Lovebird, White-bellied Kingfisher, Red-rumped Tinkerbird, Lyre-tailed Honeyguide, Zenker’s Honeyguide, White-throated Blue Swallow, Bate’s Nightjar, Yellow-throated Cuckoo, Orange-tufted Sunbird, Black-winged Oriole,  Lemon-bellied Crombec, Rufous-sided Broadbill, Icterine Greenbul, Swamp Palm Bulbul, Crested and Blue-billed Malimbes, Fiery-breasted Bush-shrike, Pale-fronted Negrofinch, Piping, Red-billedWhite-crested, Black-casqued, Wattled and White-thighed Hornbills.

B, L & D

Day 11: Birding to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Today after an early breakfast we start the trip to Queen Elizabeth national park birding along the way. You will have stopovers for both birding and photography moments of the beautiful scenery in this part of the country. Drive past several crater lakes, homesteads, farms and later with the Rwenzori mountains ahead as you drive.

The road through this crater lakes regions is not tarred therefore sometimes it is very difficult during the rain season. In case it rains right before your set off, your guide may advise a different route on a more stable road. Because you will be having several stopovers for pictures and birding, you can expect to arrive at your lodge later that afternoon. Have some rest and prepare to start the next day very early for a whole days birding.

Journey time –  3 hours
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Kyambura gorge lodge
  • Mid-range – Twin Lakes safari lodge
  • Budget – Elephant Hab

Day 12: Birding Imaramagambo forest

We start early for a whole day birding in the park leading to Maramagambo Forest. We will have birding from the lodge towards Imaramagambo forest.

Bird species we expect to sight include Whinchat, Common Redstart, White-fronted Black Chat, Sooty Chat, Cameroon Sombre Greenbul, Yellow-throated Greenbul, the Black, White-breasted, and Red-shouldered Cuckoo Shrikes. The Black and Penduline Tits, Nubian Woodpecker, Cardinal Woodpecker, Brown-backed Woodpecker, White-tailed and Red-tailed Ant-thrushes, Brown Illadopsis,  Shining-blue Kingfisher, Brown-eared Woodpeckers, Least Honeyguide, Grey Greenbul, Brown-chested Alethe, and many others.

B, L & D

Day 13: Birding to Bwindi Impenetrable forest

Transfer to Bwindi impenetrable national park, we have stopovers birding until we arrive at our lodge later that afternoon. You might have opportunity of sighting birds you could have missed the previous day.

In addition to the birding, there are opportunities of sighting the famous tree climbing lions of Ishasha. After a short game drive you proceed to Bwindi impenetrable national park.

Journey time –  3 hours
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Buhoma Lodge
  • Mid-range – Buhoma Haven Lodge
  • Budget – Buhoma Community Rest Camp

>Day 14: Gorilla trekking

Mountain Gorilla trekking – a once in life opportunity and highly recommended. Today morning you will be transferred to the briefing point by your tour guide. On arrival at the briefing point, you will be divided into different groups which will trek different gorilla families with a ranger guide for each group.

You will then start your trek into the forest depending on location of the family you are to trek. It can take anything from a few minutes to several hours before sighting gorillas after which you are allowed 1 hour to stay in the presence of the gorillas before starting the trek back to the starting point.

B, L & D

Day 15: Birding Buhoma Sector

Today after an early breakfast, we get back into the forest for biridng taking different trails as advised by the site guide. The site guides usually help with location of the different unique birds and they share information of where they last sighted them therefore increasing chances of locating them.

Today you look out for;  Stuhlmann’s Starling, Narrow-tailed Starling, Waller’s Starling, Montane Oriole, African Golden Oriole, Strange Weaver, Brown-capped Weaver, Dusky Crimsonwing, Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Magpie Mannikin, Yellow-crowned Canary, Thick-billed Seedeater, Streaky Seedeater, African Green Broadbill, Oriole Finch, Mountain Buzzard, Ayre’s Hawk Eagle, Handsome Francolin, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, African Wood Owl. More species; Bar-tailed Trogon, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, (Western) Bronze-naped Pigeon, Red-chested Owlet, Tullberg’s Woodpecker, African Broadbill, Western Green Tinkerbird, African Green Broadbill, Lagdens Bush-Shrike, Petit’s Cuckoo-Shrike, Grey Cuckoo-shrike, Toro Olive-Greenbul, Ansorge’s Greenbul, White-bellied Robin Chat, Olive Thrush, White-tailed Ant-Thrush, Grauer’s Rush-warbler, Neumann’s Warbler and Red-faced Woodland Warbler.

Day 16: Birding to Ruhija via ‘the Neck’ of the forest

Early morning make your way towards ‘the neck’ of the forest linking Buhoma to Ruhija. We look out for; Yellow-billed Waxbill, Black Saw-wing, Chubbs’ Cisticola, Grey Apalis, Petit’s Cuckoo Shrike, Black Bee-eaters, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eaters, Cuckoo Shrike, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Little Grey Greenbuls, Chestnut-throated Apalis, Red-throated Martin, Yellow White-eye, Yellow-bellied Kite, Speckled-rumped Tinkerbirds. African Stonechat, Grey Cuckoo Shrike, Stripe-breasted Tit, Montane-masked Apalis, Red-faced Woodland, Montane Yellow Warbler, Regal Sunbird, Northern Double-collared Sunbird, White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, Crested Guinea Fowl, Lead-colored Flycatcher, Black-necked Weaver, Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Yellow-spotted Barbet, African Harrier Hawk.

Journey time –  2 hours
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Mid-range – Bakiga lodge
  • Budget – Broadbill forest camp

Day 17:  Birding Mubwindi Swamp trail in Ruhija Sector

Today prepare to bird the entire day in Ruhija sector of Bwindi impenetrable national park – Mubwindi swamp trail. Birds in Ruhija are generally easy to see but the area is also considerably steep with lots of hiking as you search for birds. You will carry a picnic lunch and take a trail to Mubwindi swamp that promises some of the most difficult of all rift endemic species, look our for the beautiful Regal Sunbird, Archer’s Robin-Chat, Grauer’s Rush warbler, African green broadbill, Caruther’s cisticola, Handsome francolin, African Hill babbler, Banded Prinia, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Dohertys Bushrike, Collared Apalis and others.

Return to the hotel later that evening, hopefully you will sight some of the Rwenzori night jars on the forest roads as you drive back.

Day 18: Birding to Mgahinga Gorilla national park

Transfer to Kisoro early morning after breakfast birding along the way; Papyrus areas at Lake Bunyonyi out flow and Echuya forest for some Albertine rift endemics that we might have missed in Bwindi impenetrable forest. Birds in Echuya forest include; Dwarf Honeyguide, Red-throated Alethe, Grauer’s Rush Warbler, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Grauer’s Warbler, Collared Apalis, Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Rwenzori Batis, Strip-breasted Tit, Regal Sunbird, Strange Weaver, Brown-capped Weaver, Strange Weaver etc.

Journey time –  3 hour
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Mt Gahinga Lodge
  • Mid-range – Lake Mulehe Safari Lodge
  • Budget – Mucha Lodge

Day 19: Birding in Mgahinga Gorilla national Park

Mgahinga gorilla national park is home to over 180 bird species recorded including some Albertine rift endemics. This park with beautiful vegetation will reward you with more than birding. You shall traverse a variety of montane habitats along the excellent Gorge trail as you bird your way in the bird. This is the smallest national park in Uganda and was predominately protected to conserve the mountain gorillas and golden monkeys.

Some of the bird species we look out for include the Rwenzori Turaco, Dwarf Honeygude, Kivu Ground Thrush, Rwenzori Double-collared, Regal and the Purple-breasted Sunbirds, Archer`s Robin chat, cinnamon Bracken and Mountain Yellow Warblers, the Dusky and much Sought after Shelley’s Crimson-wing and many more.

Day 20: Transfer to Entebbe

After a fulfilling birding experience ticking off several Albertine rift endemics, you start the journey to Entebbe. This is a whole days trip with short birding stops.

Journey time –  9 hour
Meal plan – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


  • Up market – Hotel No 5
  • Mid-range – The Boma
  • Budget – African Roots Guesthouse

Day 21: End of Uganda birding and Gorilla safari

Today marks the end of your Uganda birding safari. We hope you had an amazing time birding Uganda in the various national parks and forest. We look forward to hosting you again for another region in Uganda.

B & L


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Important Information

Price Includes

  • Park fees(For non-residents)
  • All activities(Unless labeled as optional)
  • All accommodation(Unless listed as upgrade)
  • A professional driver/guide
  • All transportation(Unless labeled as optional)
  • All Taxes/VAT
  • Roundtrip airport transfer
  • Meals(As specified in the day-by-day section)
  • Drinking water(On all days)
  • Ground transport
  • Park entrances
  • Birding fees
  • Boat trips
  • Bottled water in the safari vehicle
  • Full board accommodation for two nights
  • Service of an English-speaking driver guide
  • All mentioned activities except for the optional ones

Price Excludes

  • International flights(From/to home)
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  • Tips(Tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)
  • Personal items(Souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)
  • Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees

What to bring

  • Long trouser and long sleeved tops
  • Insect repellent
  • Garden gloves (for gorilla trekking)
  • Sun hut
  • Rain jacket
  • Waterproof hiking shoes
  • Day pack to carry lunch and water
  • Binoculars
  • Camera

Terms & Conditions

  • Rates are per person and exclude the international flight from/to your home country.
  • This tour is not available to groups larger than 2 people.
  • This tour must be paid in US Dollars (USD).

Rates Per Person

Start dates
Solo1 room 2 people1 room 3 people2 rooms 4 people2 rooms 5 people3 rooms 6 people3 rooms 7+ people
Jan 1, 2020 – Dec 31, 2020 $5,000 $4,500 $4,300 $4,000 $3,500 $3,200 Get Quote
Jan 1, 2021 – Dec 31, 2021 $5,000 $4,500 $4,300 $4,000 $3,500 $3,200 Get Quote

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Customer Reviews

Ngoni Safaris Uganda

Customer Reviews

Michael T 06/June/2021

Above & Beyond
Review of: 3-Day Gorillas trekking and Batwa Experience
Sedrick went above and beyond to accomodate our request for an itinerary alteration due to our compressed time in Uganda. He also compeltely took care of scheduling our covid 19 testing and drove us to the site on arrival.

Our driver/guide Ben was also outstanding!

**We highly recommend using a porter during gorilla trekking as their are some complex parts to the trail/terrain. This also benefits the local people by providing them work.**

David 24/June/2021

Seeing Lots of Animals and Uganda
The schedule suited my time in Uganda exactly and was a great opportunity to view some of the top wildlife and natural wonders of the country. Lodgings range from mid-range to near upscale and are in beautiful locations. Food is good and ample. My driver, Stanley, was expert at spotting wildlife and, very importantly on the Ugandan roads, a careful and skilled driver. You see various parts of the country on this tour, and due to distances, be aware you'll spend quite a few hours on the road. One thing they might add is an itinerary going into more detail ahead of time on each day's activity and suggested things to bring. I was concerned about the needed COVID test for return home, but they took care of arranging that, and it turned out successfully. Overall the tour was a real highlight and is highly recommended.

Justo Nov 18, 2019

I went on an 11 day safari visiting Kampala, Jinja, Lake Mburo NP, Bwindi NP, Queen Elizabeth NP and Kibale NP. Communications with Ngoni were prompt and easy from the start. As soon as I made my booking, Sedrick contacted me through WhatsApp and guided me through the rest of the process. Leading up to the tour he made sure I was well-prepared to begin. He was always very clear and friendly. Service was exceptional. I had the pleasure of going on this safari with three members of Ngoni's staff - Sedrick, Nelson and Joel. These guys made my comfort their priority from the moment we met. Whether it was checking if I was okay with the accommodations or making sure I always had a bottle of water, I always felt like I was being well taken care of. Nelson is an excellent guide. His knowledge about the flora and fauna of Uganda was extensive, always able to answer any questions I had and was eager to teach - it's obvious that he has a great love for his country and it's environment and is eager to share this love with his clients. My experience with Ngoni and Uganda surpassed all expectations I had. Absolutely amazing, and thanks to the guys at Ngoni it feels like a new home - can't wait to come back and visit. Webale, brothers!

Stephany Aug 13, 2019
Sedrick was unique and stood out from the rest in the high quality communication he provided since the first inquiry. He called me to provide information about the itinerary and see if I had any questions even before booking the tour. We communicated through WhatsApp for any other questions that came to mind after that call. After picking me up from the airport, he and Pilot (additional tour guide) provided plenty of information about the country to give me some context and we started our long drive to the impenetrable forest. The food was delicious with many options; the accommodation was very clean with exceptional service; and the transportation from Entebbe to Bwindi park was very comfortable (although long). As a solo female traveler, both tour guides (Sedrick and Pilot) did an exceptional job at enduring I accomplished everything intended to in Uganda, and always made me feel safe. I highly recommend to book your safari with this company because the quality and professionalism will not let you down.

Shakira Dec 14, 2018

Ngoni safaris uganda is the best tour operator in Uganda. A few weeks back we traveled to Bwindi impenetrable with sedrick to explore the beauty that is Uganda. This company took care of us . with most comfortable car , Great guide .We highly recommend it to the next travelers

Winnie Dec 19, 2018
I was going on a gorilla safari with my friend and this was going to be the first ever safari for the both of us. Luckily, the communication with the office was super easy and we got answers to all of the questions we needed. The driver / guide (Sedrick) was very professional and funny and made our time very pleasant. Also, he had a proper knowledge of the local area close to the Mgahinga national park and he promptly spoke some 7 languages which we thought was super positive. The safari was surely the highlight of out East African trip!

Ritah Jan 2, 2019
My Team and I did a five day trip, including Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Murchison Falls and Kidepo. It was truly an incredible experience. Our guide, Sedrick, was knowledgeable, skilled in driving in some challenging settings and just plain fun to hang out with for five days. The lodging was perfect, especially Savannah Lodge. The tents and beds were high quality. The views were spectacular. Meals were delicious and varied. I recommend Ngoni safaris Uganda with all my heart and soul!

Pilot May 28, 2019
Our six days trip was amazing. The driver/guide had an incredible knowledge of animal and bird-life and are so interesting to talk to. His driving skills through lashing rain and massive puddles was admirable! The cooks managed to produce varied and delicious meals from the kitchen, which we ate both at accommodation or roadside when we were travelling from one place to another . At all times we felt safe and well-looked after. All in all, an incredible experience, due not only to the abundance of wildlife we were lucky enough to see, but also to the great efforts put to have our Safari a better one . The safari was full of fun. Traveling with ngoni safaris is my life time memorable experience and I highly recommend it to travellers who would love to visit uganda or EastAfrica for holidays, vacations or Adventure.. Even five stars are too small .